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Augean Integrated Services Names as a Successful Innovator

Augean Integrated Services Names as a Successful Innovator

Augean Integrated services has been named as a Successful Innovator. Augean is one of 12 companies around the world that have been named a Successful Innovator through the 2017 Cummins Environmental Gateway. This prestigious award has been given to the company as they have managed to create an innovative waste concept for Cummins.

Over the past few years, making business practices more sustainable has been the focus for a number of companies. It has become a focus for those who are needing to meet the demand of a variety of different stakeholders that expect environmental and social policies that can become a part of the business DNA as well as being able to perform.

Cummins is the world’s largest independent maker of diesel engines and other related products. The company have expanded their sustainability credentials by creating The Cummins Environmental Gateway. The Gateway was launched in September last year and is the first of its kind for Cummins. The Environmental Gateway works to encourage a variety of different sized supply chain companies to come forward with sustainable innovations that are ready for the market. The Scheme is an attempt for Cummins to reach their environmental targets in the UK.

In order to achieve a place on the Cummins Environmental Gateway Successful Innovators List, Augean presented several different options that would allow the company to reduce wood waste. By decreasing the company’s wood waste, there would be a reduction in the number of traffic movements and therefore a reduction in carbon emissions, lower road noise and better air quality for the local communities. The solution offered by Augean also offered other benefits including recycling and the generation of renewable energy that would be consistent with the principles of a circular economy.

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