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A potentially revolutionary Cancer Treatment has been uncovered in Yorkshire University

A potentially revolutionary Cancer Treatment has been uncovered in Yorkshire University

Scientists at the University of Huddersfield have found an innovative new discovery that could revolutionize the way in which cancer is treated. The university research team have developed a new treatment regime that exploit the unique properties of the molecule Cluster of Differentiation 40 (CD40).

Dr Nik Georgopoulos has been investigating the protein for over 15 years and in 2002 found that the CD40 molecule is particularly special as it specifically kills tumour cells but when activated on normal cells they do not die. While current cancer therapies such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy are very full on approaches that can cause collateral damage and leave damaging side effects, the use of CD40 might offer some hope to void these methods. By researching specifically into CD40 Dr Georgopoulos believed they can identify exactly what it is that makes the module so unique and design it in a way that will kill tumours. That speciality has now been found and although the research is still in its early stages the discovery is more than exciting.

Within the next couple of years’ researchers are hopeful clinical trials can take place before potentially being approved for patient use. The research has been welcomed by Cancer Research UK and is causing massive stimulation amongst researchers and scientists. In order for the research to continue the University of Huddersfield are looking to raise £900,000 for their research to be taken out of the lab, into clinical trials and then (fingers crossed) successfully integrate into medical practise and change how we treat cancer forever.

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